Saturday, December 10, 2011

Teeth for Christmas!

Stellie just got her first Christmas presents...two teeth!!  I didn't even realize she was teething...just felt her gums and shocked to feel those little teeth:)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A little fun before trick or treating...

Campbell giving her friend a wagon ride before trick or treating.  
We were all ready to go just a little too early!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

A picture of all three of them together is extremely rare!!  It's hard to get Campbell still and Stellie awake at the same time!  Stellie only dressed up for the picture.  Campbell loved trick or treating and walked all night instead of riding in the wagon. Sully stayed home to pass out candy and listen for Stellie!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Looks like the dads are calling a touchdown with the kids flying in the air!  Thanks to our friends for inviting us for a fun afternoon at the pool.  We can't wait to hang out again soon.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Nana & Papa hold Stellie

My parents finally go the chance to hold and rock their smallest granddaughter.  Stellie is 6 weeks old and weighs 5lb.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

4 Weeks Old

Stellie is now 4 weeks old and weighing in at 3lb 12 oz.  She is doing great!  We are so happy that she is gaining weight everyday.  She is doing well on the c-pap and starting to slowly start to wean from it.  She is definitely in charge since she ex-tubated herself a week ago by pulling out her breathing tube!  She is maintaining her temp and now gets to wear clothes!!  Nana and I had so much fun clothes shopping for her!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Introducing Estelle "Stellie" Caroline!  She was born June 17 weighing in at a whopping 2lb 4oz.   As of  July 8th she weighs 3lb 5oz!  She loves her feedings and is gaining weight everyday!  She has been called "feisty" and "wild" in the NICU which is what she needs to be right now.  I think we have a real firecracker on our hands! As one nurse told me, "She is the feistiest 2 pounder I've ever seen!"  We are thrilled with how well she is doing and hope that she continues to do well.  A special thanks to her nurse today, Erin who got her dressed and posed for lots of pictures!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Wedding Weekend

Nana & Papa with all the least for now!
We felt like we were bringing E.T back with us!

We enjoyed getting to see a lot of family for Jessi and Blake's wedding weekend. It is hard to make such a quick trip to Abbeville and then get back and ready for the week ahead! Only 2 more weeks until summer break though! We had a good opportunity to get lots of family pictures. It was also fun to hang out with the family! Campbell does so much better on road trips now that she is a little older but it is very strange that she rides with a blanket over her head! At least she took a nap under there:)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mothers Day Gift

Here is a video of Sully and Campbell on our Mothers Day Boat Cruise. As soon as they get on the boat they want to start on the boat snacks! I am trying out my new Flip Camera that Steve gave me:)

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all. It was a great day here...afternoon on the boat with Steve and the kids. It was the perfect boat day. Sully is wearing the life jacket just to be corny and Campbell just loves being on the boat. We are just waiting for the water to get warmer. Sully took a dip but it still pretty cold. Campbell passes the time playing in the cooler!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fun Sunday with friends...

Campbell played with her friend Tripp for hours this morning. These two had a good time playing at the water table, eating boiled peanuts & strawberry ice cream! Doesn't get much better than that:)

It's a GIRL

A girl breaks the tie at our house! Steve and Sully are outnumbered with 2 little girls. Campbell really doesn't have a clue what's coming to our house. Sully really wanted a brother but is still excited to have another sister. Our baby is due September 18...just one day after Sully's 14th birthday!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Break 2011

WATER DAMAGE!! We haven't quite figured out where the water came from but the downstairs is torn apart. I am just here waiting on the restoration guys to get here to let them know that there is more water! I guess the drying process continues. The bright side is no one has to take off work this week to deal wit this!